How long does the shipping take?

The average delivery time is 8-14 business days. Check our shipping policy for more details.


Can I cancel my order?

If you wish to cancel your order, please send an email to info@amore-sydney.com as soon as possible. We will make every effort to accommodate your request. However, once an order has been submitted, we cannot guarantee that the purchase can be cancelled.


How to return my order?

If you would like to return your order, please send an email to info@amore-sydney.com. We will make sure you will receive the appropriate instructions.


My order is cancelled, but I don't know why

We work with fraud filters, that select and cancel all orders that have fraudulent signs. This could be that the billing address is far from the shipping address. Or many attempts to buy with a credit card. If this is the case, and you are a legit buyer, please contact us, we'll solve the problem.


I received a faulty or wrong item

First of all, we're sorry for any inconvenience. This may happen from factory or warehouse faults. Please contact info@amore-sydney.com within 30 days after arriving. Please send the following information:

Order number

Name of the item

Problem description

Photographic evidence


International Taxes & Duties

Please note, we can not take responsibility for delays due to customs clearance. Unfortunately, this is beyond our control. Orders do not include possible taxes and duties which may be applied by customs authorities. Import Duties and Taxes are the responsibility of the customer. For more information on what duties and taxes may be we strongly recommend checking your local customs website or contacting them directly.


Late or lost orders

When you place an order, please make sure you filled in the correct delivery address. Amore Sydney is not responsible for any missing parcels that have been sent to wrong address or asked to leave with neighbours or outside your house. Any problem with orders related to missing or lost items must be attended to us in an email to info@amore-sydney.com. We'll start an investigation with the courier, so we can't refund any lost items until 20 working days after dispatching. Our courier must classify the items as lost, before we can refund or resend your items.


Unclaimed parcels

We are not responsible for any uncollected parcels. Once we got it in return, we'll charge new shipping costs to send the package again. It is the customers responsibility to make arrangements to have the parcel redelivered or collected within the necessary time frame